글리벡 관련 국제연대 성명서

인도의 의료/의약품 관련 단체인 FMRAI(Federation of Medical And Sales Representatives’ Associations of India)에서 메일이 왔습니다.

2월 9-12일에 전국적인 회의가 Hyderabad에서 있었고, 거기서 아래와 같은 성명서를 채택했다고 합니다. 이 회의에는 4만3천명의 회원을 대표하는 약 1천 명이 참석했습니다.
FMRAI에서는 이 성명을 노바티스 인디아와 Basel에 있는 회사 운영진에게 보냈답습니다.
또한 이 성명서를 한국 정부에도 보낼 것인지에 대해 묻고 있습니다.
의견 주시기 바랍니다.

Resolution Against Amendment Of Patent Act 1970 And Granting of EMR On Anti-cancer Drug Glivec to Novartis

The NDA Government has brought Patents (3rd Amendment) Bill, 2003 to usher in Product Patent regime in pharmaceuticals and food products in India. India has not done sufficient to protest the interests of India in respect of food and health of the people of India. Much propagated Cancun WTO ministerial conference success to forestall imperialist aggression for world domination, is forgotten by Vajpayee Government while proposing amendment of Indian Patents Act, 1970. They have also consciously ignored options provided in the Doha Declaration particularly in the area of pharmaceuticals.

In line of submitting to imperialist pressure and multinational corporations, the Vajpayee government has granted EMR (Exclusive Marketing Right) on anti-cancer highly priced drug Glivec to Novartis when much less priced this drug is already available in India which will compel many cancer patients to die in absence of medicine due to its high cost. This conference extends support and solidarity to the struggle of Korean Federation of Medical Action Group for Health Rights in this respect.

This 20th Conference of FMRAI, being held at Hyderabad 9th –12th February 04,demands of the government of India.

to withdraw the proposed Patens (3dr Amendment Bill, 2003.
to withdraw the EMR given to Novartis on Glivec and other life saving drugs.